Commands output#

有助于数据后处理的各种 PyMAPDL 类和命令。

所有这些类都是 str 类的子类,因此它们继承了 string 的所有方法和属性。

class ansys.mapdl.core.commands.CommandListingOutput(content, cmd=None, magicwords=None, columns_names=None)[source]#

Allow the conversion of command output to native Python types.

Custom class for handling the commands whose output is sensible to be converted to a list of lists, a Numpy array or a Pandas DataFrame.

This class is a subclass of python str, hence it has all the methods of a string python object.

Additionally it provides the following methods:

  • to_list()

  • to_array()

  • to_dataframe()


Export the command output a list or list of lists.


Export the command output as a numpy array.

CommandListingOutput.to_dataframe([data, ...])

Export the command output as a Pandas DataFrame.

class ansys.mapdl.core.commands.BoundaryConditionsListingOutput(content, cmd=None, magicwords=None, columns_names=None)[source]#

Allow the conversion of command output to native Python types.

Custom class for handling the boundary condition listing commands whose output is sensible to be converted to a list of lists, or a Pandas DataFrame.

This class is a subclass of python str, hence it has all the methods of a string python object and it can be used as such.

Additionally it provides the following methods:

  • to_list()

  • to_dataframe()


Export the command output a list or list of lists.


Convert the command output to a Pandas Dataframe.