Array parameters#
这些 APDL 命令用于对参数数组(向量和矩阵)进行操作。
要以更 Pythonic 的方式与数组交互,请参见参数类 Parameters 。
如果要在 MAPDL 之外处理数组,可以考虑使用 NumPy 。
Calculates the coefficients for, or evaluates, a Fourier series. |
Copies or transposes an array parameter matrix. |
Performs matrix operations on array parameter matrices. |
Writes a matrix to a file in a formatted sequence. |
Reads a file into a string array parameter. |
Operates on table parameters. |
Applies the absolute value function to array parameters. |
Specifies the number of columns in matrix operations. |
Allows array parameter results to add to existing results. |
Applies a scale factor to array parameters. |
Performs a function on a single array parameter. |
Forms an array parameter by interpolation of a table. |
Specifies the number of rows to be used in array parameter operations. |
Specifies an array parameter as a masking vector. |
Operates on two array parameters. |
Restores array parameter values into the ANSYS database. |
Determines properties of an array parameter. |
Lists the current specifications for the array parameters. |
Writes data to a file in a formatted sequence. |