这些 PREP7 命令用于将模型数据读入数据库、列出数据库以及控制数据库中实体的编号。
Lists the current data in the database. |
Reads a file of solid model and database information into the database. |
Writes geometry and load database items to a file. |
Specifies format to be used for archiving geometry. |
Check constraint equations and couplings for rigid body motions. |
Checks current database items for completeness. |
Writes solid model data to a file in IGES Version 5.1 format. |
Imports a new field into a current ANSYS Multi-field solver analysis. |
Prevents the CDREAD command from offsetting specified data items |
Compresses the numbering of defined items. |
Merges coincident or equivalently defined items. |
Adds a number offset to defined items. |
Establishes starting numbers for automatically numbered items. |