Analysis options#

这些 SOLUTION 命令用于设置常规分析选项。

Mapdl.abextract([mode1, mode2])

Extracts the alpha-beta damping multipliers for Rayleigh damping.


Specifies GPU accelerator capability options.

Mapdl.adams([nmodes, kstress, kshell])

Performs solutions and writes flexible body information to a modal

Mapdl.antype([antype, status, ldstep, ...])

Specifies the analysis type and restart status.


Specifies the output type for an acoustic scattering analysis.

Mapdl.asol([lab, opt])

Specifies the output type of an acoustic scattering analysis.

Mapdl.bcsoption([memory_option, ...])

Sets memory option for the sparse solver.

Mapdl.cgrow([action, par1, par2])

Defines crack-growth information

Mapdl.cmatrix([symfac, condname, numcond, ...])

Performs electrostatic field solutions and calculates the self and mutual capacitances between multiple conductors.x

Mapdl.cmsopt([cmsmeth, nmode, freqb, freqe, ...])

Specifies component mode synthesis (CMS) analysis options.

Mapdl.cncheck([option, rid1, rid2, rinc, ...])

Provides and/or adjusts the initial status of contact pairs.

Mapdl.cnkmod([itype, knum, value])

Modifies contact element key options.

Mapdl.cntr([option, key])

Redirects contact pair output quantities to a text file.

Mapdl.cutcontrol([lab, value, option])

Controls time-step cutback during a nonlinear solution.

Mapdl.ddoption([decomp, nprocpersol, ...])

Sets domain decomposer option for Distributed ANSYS.

Mapdl.dmpext([smode, tmode, dmpname, freqb, ...])

Extracts modal damping coefficients in a specified frequency range.

Mapdl.dmpoption([filetype, combine])

Specifies distributed memory parallel (Distributed ANSYS) file

Mapdl.dspoption([reord_option, ...])

Sets memory option for the distributed sparse solver.

Mapdl.exbopt([outinv2, outtcms, outsub, ...])

Specifies .EXB file output options in a CMS generation pass.


Forces the writing of all the element matrices to File.EMAT.

Mapdl.eqslv([lab, toler, mult, keepfile])

Specifies the type of equation solver.


Specifies extrapolation of integration point results.

Mapdl.escheck([sele, levl, defkey])

Perform element shape checking for a selected element set.

Mapdl.essolv([electit, strutit, dimn, ...])

Performs a coupled electrostatic-structural analysis.

Mapdl.expass([key, keystat])

Specifies an expansion pass of an analysis.

Mapdl.gauge([opt, freq])

Gauges the problem domain for a magnetic edge-element formulation.

Mapdl.gmatrix([symfac, condname, numcond, ...])

Performs electric field solutions and calculates the self and mutual


Specifies Block Lanczos eigensolver options.


Specifies a lumped mass matrix formulation.

Mapdl.moddir([key, directory, fname])

Activates the remote read-only modal files usage.

Mapdl.monitor([var, node, lab])

Controls contents of three variable fields in nonlinear solution


Sets the solver memory saving option.

Mapdl.msolve([numslv, nrmtol, nrmchkinc])

Starts multiple solutions for random acoustics analysis with diffuse

Mapdl.opncontrol([lab, value, numstep])

Sets decision parameter for automatically increasing the time step

Mapdl.outaero([sename, timeb, dtime])

Outputs the superelement matrices and load vectors to formatted files

Mapdl.ovcheck([method, frequency, set_])

Checks for overconstraint among constraint equations and Lagrange

Mapdl.pcgopt([lev_diff, reduceio, strmck, ...])

Controls PCG solver options.

Mapdl.perturb([type_, matkey, contkey, ...])

Sets linear perturbation analysis options.


Specifies whether to include pressure load stiffness in the element

Mapdl.pscontrol([option, key])

Enables or disables shared-memory parallel operations.


Specifies whether the effect of creep strain rate will be used in the


Calculates or includes residual vectors.

Mapdl.rstoff([lab, offset])

Offsets node or element IDs in the FE geometry record.


Specifies System Coupling options.

Mapdl.seexp([sename, usefil, imagky, expopt])

Specifies options for the substructure expansion pass.

Mapdl.seopt([sename, sematr, sepr, sesst, ...])

Specifies substructure analysis options.

Mapdl.snoption([rangefact, blocksize, ...])

Specifies Supernode (SNODE) eigensolver options.


Starts a solution.

Mapdl.stabilize([key, method, value, ...])

Activates stabilization for all elements that support nonlinear


Enables or disables thermal loading

Mapdl.thopt([refopt, reformtol, ntabpoints, ...])

Specifies nonlinear transient thermal solution options.