Special purpose#
这些 POST1 命令用于各种特殊用途。
Activates the body force interpolation operation. |
Activates cut-boundary interpolation (for submodeling). |
Specifies a list of component mode synthesis (CMS) results files for |
Calculates results from a cyclic harmonic mode-superposition analysis |
Specifies the data files where results are to be found for a cyclic |
Provides tools for determining minimum and maximum possible result |
Defines the set of result items for a subsequent CYCCALC command in |
Specifies the EXPROFILE options for the Mechanical APDL to ANSYS CFX profile file transfer. |
Displays the results of a modal cyclic symmetry analysis. |
Exports interface loads or loads on selected nodes to an ANSYS CFX |
Specifies the interface load unit labels to be written to the export |
Calculates reflection and transmission properties of a frequency |
Sums the nodal force and moment contributions of elements. |
Defines or displays spatial angles of a spherical radiation surface for |
Indicates the presence of symmetry planes for the computation of |
Integrates nodal results on an exterior surface. |
Calculates stress intensity factors in fracture mechanics analyses. |
Sums the nodal forces and moments of elements attached to nodes. |
Gets element component information from nonlinear diagnostic files. |
Plots Campbell diagram data for applications involving rotating |
Plots the frequency response for the given CYCSPEC specification. |
Plots a histogram of the frequency response of each sector for the |
Plots pressure far fields and far field parameters. |
Plots the modal coordinates from a mode-superposition solution. |
Plots the pressure in the near zone exterior to the equivalent source |
Plots the interference diagram from a cyclic modal analysis. |
Calculates a specified acoustic quantity on the selected exterior |
Prints Campbell diagram data for applications involving rotating |
Prints pressure far fields and far field parameters. |
Prints the pressure in the near zone exterior to the equivalent source |
Appends results data from the database to a results file. |
Writes eigenvectors of fluid nodes to a file for use in damping |
Creates one or more results file(s) from the current results file based |
APDL Command: RSTMAC |
Defines a point for moment summations. |
Calculates the state-space matrices and writes them to the SPM file. |