Spectrum options#

这些 SOLUTION 命令用于定义谱分析的选项。

Mapdl.addam([af, aa, ab, ac, ad, amin])

Specifies the acceleration spectrum computation constants for the

Mapdl.coval([tblno1, tblno2, sv1, sv2, sv3, ...])

Defines PSD cospectral values.

Mapdl.cqc([signif, label, forcetype])

Specifies the complete quadratic mode combination method.

Mapdl.ddaspec([keyref, shptyp, mountloc, ...])


Mapdl.dsum([signif, label, td, forcetype])

Specifies the double sum mode combination method.

Mapdl.freq([freq1, freq2, freq3, freq4, ...])

Defines the frequency points for the SV vs.

Mapdl.grp([signif, label, forcetype])

Specifies the grouping mode combination method.

Mapdl.mmass([option, zpa])

Specifies the missing mass response calculation.

Mapdl.nrlsum([signif, label, labelcsm, ...])

Specifies the Naval Research Laboratory (NRL) sum mode combination

Mapdl.pfact([tblno, excit, parcor])

Calculates participation factors for the PSD or multi-point response

Mapdl.pivcheck([key, prntcntrl])

Controls the behavior of an analysis when a negative or zero equation solver pivot value is encountered.

Mapdl.psdcom([signif, comode, forcetype])

Specifies the power spectral density mode combination method.

Mapdl.psdfrq([tblno1, tblno2, freq1, freq2, ...])

Defines the frequency points for the input spectrum tables PSDVAL vs.

Mapdl.psdgraph([tblno1, tblno2, displaykey])

Displays input PSD curves

Mapdl.psdres([lab, relkey])

Controls solution output written to the results file from a PSD

Mapdl.psdspl([tblno, rmin, rmax])

Defines a partially correlated excitation in a PSD analysis.

Mapdl.psdunit([tblno, type_, gvalue])

Defines the type of input PSD.

Mapdl.psdval([tblno, sv1, sv2, sv3, sv4, ...])

Defines PSD values.

Mapdl.psdwav([tblno, vx, vy, vz])

Defines a wave propagation excitation in a PSD analysis.

Mapdl.qdval([tblno1, tblno2, sv1, sv2, sv3, ...])

Defines PSD quadspectral values.

Mapdl.rock([cgx, cgy, cgz, omx, omy, omz])

Specifies a rocking response spectrum.

Mapdl.rose([signif, label, td, forcetype])

Specifies the Rosenblueth mode combination method.

Mapdl.rigresp([option, method, val1, val2])

Specifies the rigid response calculation.

Mapdl.sed([sedx, sedy, sedz, cname])

Defines the excitation direction for response spectrum and PSD

Mapdl.spdamp([tblno, curvno, dampratio])

Defines input spectrum damping in a multi-point response spectrum

Mapdl.spfreq([tblno, freq1, freq2, freq3, ...])

Defines the frequency points for the input spectrum tables SPVAL vs.

Mapdl.spgraph([tblno, curvno, curvnobeg])

Displays input spectrum curves for MPRS analysis.

Mapdl.spopt([sptype, nmode, elcalc, ...])

Selects the spectrum type and other spectrum options.

Mapdl.spunit([tblno, type_, gvalue, keyinterp])

Defines the type of multi-point response spectrum.

Mapdl.spval([tblno, curvno, sv1, sv2, sv3, ...])

Defines multi-point response spectrum values.

Mapdl.srss([signif, label, abssumkey, forcetype])

Specifies the square root of sum of squares mode combination method.

Mapdl.sv([damp, sv1, sv2, sv3, sv4, sv5, ...])

Defines spectrum values to be associated with frequency points.

Mapdl.svplot([optionscale, damp1, damp2, ...])

Displays input spectrum curves.

Mapdl.svtyp([ksv, fact, keyinterp])

Defines the type of single-point response spectrum.

Mapdl.vddam([vf, va, vb, vc])

Specifies the velocity spectrum computation constants for the analysis