
这些 PREP7 命令用于创建、修改、列出节点等。[node, node1, node2, node3, radius])

Defines a node at the center of curvature of 2 or 3 nodes.

Mapdl.fill([node1, node2, nfill, nstrt, ...])

Generates a line of nodes between two existing nodes.

Mapdl.move([node, kc1, x1, y1, z1, kc2, x2, ...])

Calculates and moves a node to an intersection.

Mapdl.n([node, x, y, z, thxy, thyz, thzx])

Define a node.

Mapdl.naxis([action, val])

Generates nodes for general axisymmetric element sections.

Mapdl.nang([node, x1, x2, x3, y1, y2, y3, ...])

Rotates a nodal coordinate system by direction cosines.

Mapdl.ndele([node1, node2, ninc])

Deletes nodes.

Mapdl.ndist([nd1, nd2])

Calculates and lists the distance between two nodes.

Mapdl.ngen([itime, inc, node1, node2, ninc, ...])

Generates additional nodes from a pattern of nodes.

Mapdl.nkpt([node, npt])

Defines a node at an existing keypoint location.

Mapdl.nlist([node1, node2, ninc, lcoord, ...])

Lists nodes.

Mapdl.nmodif([node, x, y, z, thxy, thyz, thzx])

Modifies an existing node.

Mapdl.nora([area, ndir])

Rotates nodal coordinate systems to surface normal

Mapdl.norl([line, area, ndir])

APDL Command: NORL

Mapdl.nread([fname, ext])

Reads nodes from a file.

Mapdl.nrotat([node1, node2, ninc])

Rotates nodal coordinate systems into the active system.

Mapdl.nrrang([nmin, nmax, ninc])

Specifies the range of nodes to be read from the node file.

Mapdl.nscale([inc, node1, node2, ninc, rx, ...])

Generates a scaled set of nodes from a pattern of nodes.


Smooths selected nodes among selected elements.

Mapdl.nsym([ncomp, inc, node1, node2, ninc])

Generates a reflected set of nodes.

Mapdl.nwrite([fname, ext, kappnd])

Writes nodes to a file.

Mapdl.quad([node1, nintr, node2, nfill, ...])

Generates a quadratic line of nodes from three nodes.

Mapdl.transfer([kcnto, inc, node1, node2, ninc])

Transfers a pattern of nodes to another coordinate system.