Nonlinear options#
这些 SOLUTION 命令用于定义非线性分析的选项。
Activates the arc-length method. |
Controls termination of the solution when the arc-length method is |
Specifies buckling analysis options. |
Sets convergence values for nonlinear analyses. |
Specifies the creep criterion for automatic time stepping. |
Turns Graphical Solution Tracking (GST) on or off. |
Activates a line search to be used with Newton-Raphson. |
Sets the key to terminate an analysis. |
Specifies the maximum number of equilibrium iterations for nonlinear |
Defines the criteria under which the mesh is refined or modified during a nonlinear solution. |
Sets nonlinear diagnostics functionality. |
Includes large-deflection effects in a static or full transient |
Specify result items to track during solution. |
Controls remeshing in nonlinear adaptivity. |
Specifies the Newton-Raphson options in a static or full transient |
Activates a predictor in a nonlinear analysis. |
Specifies whether prestress effects are calculated or included. |