Explicit dynamics#


Mapdl.edasmp([option, asmid, part1, part2, ...])

Creates a part assembly to be used in an explicit dynamic analysis.

Mapdl.edbound([option, lab, cname, xc, yc, ...])

Defines a boundary plane for sliding or cyclic symmetry.

Mapdl.edbx([option, boxid, xmin, xmax, ...])

Creates a box shaped volume to be used in a contact definition for

Mapdl.edcgen([option, cont, targ, fs, fd, ...])

Specifies contact parameters for an explicit dynamics analysis.


Lists contact entity specifications in an explicit dynamics analysis.

Mapdl.edcmore([option, num, val1, val2])

Specifies additional contact parameters for a given contact definition

Mapdl.edcnstr([option, ctype, comp1, comp2, ...])

Defines various types of constraints for an explicit dynamic analysis.

Mapdl.edcontact([sfsi, rwpn, ipck, shtk, ...])

Specifies contact surface controls for an explicit dynamics analysis.

Mapdl.edcrb([option, neqn, partm, parts])

Constrains two rigid bodies to act as one in an explicit dynamics

Mapdl.edcurve([option, lcid, par1, par2])

Specifies data curves for an explicit dynamic analysis.


Selects a numerical precision type of the explicit dynamics analysis.

Mapdl.eddc([option, ctype, cont, targ])

Deletes or deactivates/reactivates contact surface specifications in an

Mapdl.edipart([part, option, cvect, tm, ...])

Defines inertia for rigid parts in an explicit dynamics analysis.

Mapdl.edlcs([option, cid, x1, y1, z1, x2, ...])

Defines a local coordinate system for use in explicit dynamics

Mapdl.edmp([lab, mat, val1, val2, val3, ...])

Defines material properties for an explicit dynamics analysis.

Mapdl.ednb([option, cname, ad, as_])

Defines a nonreflecting boundary in an explicit dynamic analysis.

Mapdl.edndtsd([vect1, vect2, datap, fitpt, ...])

Allows smoothing of noisy data for explicit dynamics analyses and

Mapdl.ednrot([option, cid, cname, dof1, ...])

Applies a rotated coordinate nodal constraint in an explicit dynamics

Mapdl.edpart([option, partid, cname])

Configures parts for an explicit dynamics analysis.

Mapdl.edpc([min_, max_, inc])

Selects and plots explicit dynamic contact entities.

Mapdl.edsp([option, min_, max_, inc])

Specifies small penetration checking for contact entities in an

Mapdl.edweld([option, nweld, n1, n2, sn, ...])

Defines a massless spotweld or generalized weld for use in an explicit

These SOLUTION commands are used for an explicit dynamic analysis.

Mapdl.edadapt([part, key])

Activates adaptive meshing in an explicit dynamic analysis.

Mapdl.edale([option, afac, bfac, dfac, ...])

Assigns mesh smoothing to explicit dynamic elements that use

Mapdl.edbvis([qvco, lvco])

Specifies global bulk viscosity coefficients for an explicit dynamics

Mapdl.edcadapt([freq, tol, opt, maxlvl, ...])

Specifies adaptive meshing controls for an explicit dynamic analysis.


Specifies CPU time limit for an explicit dynamics analysis.


Specifies whether to use subcycling in an explicit dynamics analysis.

Mapdl.edcts([dtms, tssfac])

Specifies mass scaling and scale factor of computed time step for an

Mapdl.eddamp([part, lcid, valdmp])

Defines mass weighted (Alpha) or stiffness weighted (Beta) damping for

Mapdl.eddrelax([option, nrcyck, drtol, ...])

Activates initialization to a prescribed geometry or dynamic relaxation

Mapdl.eddump([num, dt])

Specifies output frequency for the explicit dynamic restart file

Mapdl.edenergy([hgen, swen, sien, rlen])

Specifies energy dissipation controls for an explicit dynamics


Allows plotting of explicit dynamics forces and other load symbols.

Mapdl.edgcale([nadv, meth])

Defines global ALE controls for an explicit dynamic analysis.


Specifies the hourglass coefficient for an explicit dynamics analysis.


Specifies time-history output for an explicit dynamic analysis.

Mapdl.edhtime([nstep, dt])

Specifies the time-history output interval for an explicit dynamics

Mapdl.edint([shellip, beamip])

Specifies number of integration points for explicit shell and beam

Mapdl.edis([option, pidn, pido])

Specifies stress initialization in an explicit dynamic full restart

Mapdl.edload([option, lab, key, cname, ...])

Specifies loads for an explicit dynamics analysis.

Mapdl.edopt([option, value])

Specifies the type of output for an explicit dynamics analysis.


Specifies time-history output (ASCII format) for an explicit dynamics


Plots a time dependent load curve in an explicit dynamic analysis.

Mapdl.edpvel([option, pid, vx, vy, vz, ...])

Applies initial velocities to parts or part assemblies in an explicit

Mapdl.edrc([option, nrbf, ncsf, dtmax])

Specifies rigid/deformable switch controls in an explicit dynamic

Mapdl.edrd([option, part, mrb])

Switches a part from deformable to rigid or from rigid to deformable in

Mapdl.edri([option, part, xc, yc, zc, tm, ...])

Defines inertia properties for a new rigid body that is created when a

Mapdl.edrst([nstep, dt])

Specifies the output interval for an explicit dynamic analysis.

Mapdl.edrun([option, cons, ncpu])

Specify LS-DYNA serial or parallel processing.

Mapdl.edshell([wpan, shnu, shtc, wpbt, ...])

Specifies shell computation controls for an explicit dynamics analysis.


Specifies "explicit dynamics solution" as the subsequent status topic.

Mapdl.edstart([restart, memory, fsize, dumpfile])

Specifies status (new or restart) of an explicit dynamics analysis.

Mapdl.edterm([option, lab, num, stop, maxc, ...])

Specifies termination criteria for an explicit dynamic analysis.

Mapdl.edtp([option, value1, value2])

Plots explicit elements based on their time step size.

Mapdl.edvel([option, cname, vx, vy, vz, ...])

Applies initial velocities to nodes or node components in an explicit

Mapdl.edwrite([option, fname, ext])

Writes explicit dynamics input to an LS-DYNA input file.

Mapdl.rexport([target, lstep, sbstep, ...])

Exports displacements from an implicit run to ANSYS LS-DYNA.