Load step options#
这些 SOLUTION 命令用于定义各个荷载步的选项。
Specifies whether to use automatic time stepping or load stepping. |
Prepares the result file for a subsequent Campbell diagram of a |
Modifies the constant term of a constraint equation during solution. |
Specifies the time step sizes to be used for the current load step. |
Specifies the solution to be expanded for mode-superposition analyses |
Specifies ramped or stepped loading within a load step. |
Specifies whether or not to reuse the factorized matrix. |
Specifies options for a 3-D magnetostatic field analysis. |
Specifies magnetic solution options and initiates the solution. |
Specifies the harmonic loading term for this load step. |
Specifies the number of substeps to be taken this load step. |
Specifies solutions to be expanded from mode-superposition analyses or |
Sets the time for a load step. |
Defines the reference temperature for the thermal strain calculations. |
Defines an array of key times at which the time-stepping strategy |
Modifies the coordinates of the active set of nodes, based on the |
Allows user-solution subroutines to be activated or deactivated. |
Stops solution after assembling global matrices. |